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We are thrilled to announce that our Partner, Penny Kontogeorgou, was invited to participate in the #WeTheFuture United Forces Round Table at #COP28 in Dubai. This prestigious event was hosted by THE CHOPRA FOUNDATION and moderated by the renowned orator, Kunal Sood.

During this insightful gathering, Penny joined a distinguished group of scientists, technology experts, and leaders to explore how #AI and #disruptive #technologies can address our global grand challenges, particularly climate change. The discussions focused on the transformative potential of #AI and #Consciousness, emphasizing the importance of visionary leadership in ushering in an unprecedented era of human revolution. Together, they examined how these innovations can accelerate both planetary and humanitarian wellbeing.

At ZK Law, we are committed to being at the forefront of technological advancements and sustainability efforts. Penny’s participation in this round table underscores our dedication to driving positive change and supporting initiatives that foster a better future for all.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from this groundbreaking event!

#Innovation #Leadership #ClimateAction #Sustainability #ZKLaw #HumanRevolution #FutureTech #COP28 #TheChopraFoundation #KunalSood

Penny Kontogeorgou

Penny Is an expert advisor on Digital Marketing, e-commerce and Data Privacy Law matters. Her experience ranges from the e-Business, Marketing and Retail to the Insurance and Medical sectors.