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We are thrilled to announce that our Partner, Mina Zoulovits, recently represented the Greek e-Commerce Association (GR.EC.A) as Legal Advisor and Member of its Advisory Committee. Alongside Stelios Petridis, the General Director, Mina participated in the Parliamentary Committee’s hearing on the new draft bill from the Ministry of Digital Governance. This bill aims to implement measures for the application of the #DSA in Greece, designating the #EETT as the responsible regulatory authority.

Mina eloquently presented GR.EC.A’s views on the #DSA’s implementation, advocating on behalf of companies involved in electronic transactions, including #Platforms and #Marketplaces. The DSA establishes a unified legal framework across the EU for regulating online intermediaries, introducing due diligence measures for online service providers based on their size.

At ZK Law, we are committed to supporting digital transformation and ensuring robust representation of our clients’ interests in the evolving legal landscape.

#DigitalGovernance #eCommerce #LegalAdvisory #ParliamentaryHearing #DSA #DigitalTransformation #ZKLawFirm

For more information, visit: GR.EC.A News

Mina Zoulovits

Mina is a digital transformation, e-business & data protection expert with significant experience in strategic advice in the private and public sectors. She has taken part in many law-making committees on a national level and in EU-coordinated projects for the assessment of the implementation of EU Directives and the proposal for amendments to the Commission