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Zoulovits Kontogeorgou Law Firm (ZK Law Firm) proudly participated in the inaugural LAWYER’S RUN FOR CHILDREN, an event organized by the Greek Association of Law Firms (Σ.Δ.Ε.Ε. / SDEE). This significant initiative aimed to support two esteemed NGOs dedicated to children’s welfare: Together For Children (Mazi gia to Paidi) and the Floga Organization.

The event surpassed all expectations, with over 750 runners registering to take part in this charitable cause. Held in the scenic surroundings of the OAKA complex, participants enjoyed the beautiful weather and an atmosphere of camaraderie and enthusiasm. It brought together members of the legal community and various businesses, emphasizing the importance of social responsibility and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the sponsors and supporters, the team of volunteers who provided essential health and safety coverage, and our organizers for their meticulous planning and execution. Special recognition goes to SDEE and MyRace for organizing this remarkable event, setting a high standard for future initiatives.

At ZK Law Firm, we believe in the power of community engagement and are committed to supporting initiatives that make a positive impact on society. We look forward to participating in more events like this in the future, fostering a culture of giving back and promoting the well-being of those in need.

Kudos to SDEE and MyRace for organizing such a wonderful event! We hope to see many more in the future!